


Latitude:51.51 degrees
Longitude:-0.14 degrees
Postcode Town:London
Easting:528595 degrees
Northing:180633 degrees
Grid Ref:TQ285806
District:City of Westminster London Boro
Ward:West End Ward


Located at postal code: W1

This postcode includes Soho, Mayfair, Marylebone and Fitzrovia.


Soho is both exuberant and eclectic, having been turned to the sex industry over the last 10 years. It is known by touristsand locals alike for its theaters, drag queens, Chinatown andthe nightlife.


Fitzrovia also became a mecca for television media and fashion. Regents Park is the center of choice for shopaholics of the world.with its two famous shopping streets Oxford Street and Regent Street. All the major brands have a presence in these few hundred square meters, including the main high street brands of H&M, Zara, Top Shop, Selfridges, John Lewis, to name a few.


No transportation problems in this area, nearly all subway lines pass through here, Central, Piccadilly, Northern, Bakerloo, Victoria and Jubilee lines. There are also numerous bus stops close to Oxford Circus or Piccadilly Circus. (Zone 1)

Average rental price: Mayfair

Studio : £1,557
1 bedroom flat : £2,117
2 bedroom flat : £3,276
3 bedroom flat : £5,705
2 bedroom house : £3,529
3 bedroom house : £6,164
4 bedroom house: £7,653

The above data was accurate as of last month

Average selling price: Mayfair

Studio: £584,672
1 bedroom flat: £584,672
2 bedroom flat : £1,227,021
3 bedroom flat: £2,474,813
3 bedroom house: £1,439,272
3 bedroom house: £2,686,888
4 bedroom house : £3,362,979

The above data was accurate as of last month

Crime statistics Mayfair

Violence : 36
Sexual offence: 2
Robbery: 7
Burglary: 6
Car theft: 3
Theft from cars: 14

The data above refers to offences per 1000 population per year

Population demographics Mayfair

Population: 24,639
Average age: 33
Retired: 16.62%
Unemployed 3.8%
Educated to degree level: 52.81%
Student: 11.25%
Total migrants: 29.59%





My first investigation of ‘pathways’ will be to look at a traditional London Monopoly board and gather information on the locations and their statistics of the environment and inhabitants.

Comparing and contrasting two different places within a small area will lead me onto a further exploration of how our lives still cross paths despite of variables such as social class, education and wealth.

Here are the locations presented on a traditional London Monopoly board


Park Lane

Bond Street

Oxford Street

Regent Street


Coventry Street

Leicester Square

Trafalgar Square

Fleet Street


Vine Street

Marlborough Street

Bow Street

Northhumberland Avenue


Pall Mall

Pentonville Road

Euston Road

The Angel, Islington

Whitechapel Road

Old Kent Road

Utilities: Electric Company and Water Works

Railroads: Marylebone Station, Kings Cross Station, Liverpool Street Station, and Fenchurch Street Station


Monopoly (game)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game
Monopoly is an American-originated board game published by Parker Brothers. Subtitled “The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game”, the game is named after the economic concept of monopoly — the domination of a market by a single entity. It is currently published by the United States game and toy company Hasbro. Players move around the game board buying or trading properties, developing their properties with houses and hotels, and collecting rent from their opponents, the ultimate goal being to drive them into bankruptcy.